Dentistry Services Basics and What You Should Know

River Oak Dental
3 min readAug 16, 2021

Most people are familiar with the basics of what a dentist does. Asking a few people will result in mixed answers. While most people believe that you should visit the dentist every year, there are other factors. Dentists provide important services such as preventive and pre-screening services. Your dentist should be seen at least once a year. What are general dentistry services, you might be asking? How often should you visit the dentist? Are you sure that your teeth need to be professionally cleaned? Continue reading to learn all about it.

What are the most popular dentistry services?

Dentistry refers to the examination of your mouth, gums, and teeth. This includes fixing any problems with your mouth such as missing or decayed teeth and bite, jaw, and gum issues. There are many general dentistry services that overlap with preventive dental services. They all work together to keep your mouth healthy.

General dentistry can include fillings and root canals as well as gum disease treatment. It also includes dental implants, crowns, and bridges. Many dentists offer cosmetic dentistry services. These services can improve the appearance of your smile with procedures like veneers or teeth whitening.

River Oak Dental is the best Palm Bay dentist. Our staff is friendly and well-informed. Our well-respected dentist, Dr. Lilly Marshall, is a popular choice for patients from all over Brevard. River Oak Dental offers both general and additional dentistry. River Oak Dental will refer patients to specialists when we discover a condition that needs more expertise.

Do I need to have my teeth cleaned by a professional?

It may seem that routine dental cleanings are unnecessary if you floss and brush twice daily. Plaque and food particles can build up in your mouth. Plaque, which can be described as bacteria, builds up naturally in your mouth. It sticks to your teeth. Plaque forms when you drink sugary drinks and eat starchy foods. The acids produced by the plaque can eat away at your enamel and cause tooth decay. If plaque isn’t removed, it can harden into tartar. Tartar is hardened, calcified, plaque that forms on teeth and accelerates tooth decay. Plaque and tartar can cause periodontal disease (gum disease).

How often should I see the dentist?

Have you ever wondered how often it is recommended that you visit the dentist every year? The answer is two times per year unless you have pain or other issues. According to the American Dental Association, you should see your dentist at least once per year. They recommend that you work with your dentist to ensure the best possible exam results and a cleaning schedule. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, regular brushing and flossing are the best ways to prevent tooth loss and decay.

River Oak Dental will conduct a thorough dental exam when you visit us for your checkup. We will conduct a thorough exam to check for decay, oral cancer, and we will clean your teeth.

Do you fear the dentist? We can help!

River Oak Dental knows that not everyone feels comfortable going to the dentist. This fear could stem from fears of pain or embarrassment or from bad past experiences. Our caring and friendly staff will help you conquer your fears and provide the relief that thoughtful dentistry can offer. We are here to support you at every stage of your journey.

For those who require additional assistance, we offer nitrous dioxide (also known as laughing gas) sedation. The gas is a mixture of oxygen and is inhaled through a mask. This allows the body to relax, and you will feel more relaxed. The process can be done even if you’re awake. The best thing about nitrous oxide is that it wears off quickly. You’ll feel back to normal as soon as you leave the treatment room.

River Oak Dental offers general dentistry services

River Oak Dental offers the best dental care in Palm Bay, Florida. River Oak Dental’s Dr. Lilly Marshall, a compassionate and experienced dentist, is an asset to the practice. Visitors from outside the area are welcome to visit us. To set up an appointment, you can call us at 321–723–2620, or send us a message.



River Oak Dental

We are a family-owned dental practice in Palm Bay, Florida. We are devoted to restoring, enhancing, and maintaining the natural beauty of your smile.