When should an emergency dentist be called?

River Oak Dental
4 min readAug 30, 2021

Toothaches, or pain in the teeth, are one of the most severe pains that a person can feel. It can be extremely debilitating and often indicates an underlying condition. Sometimes, the pain can be so severe that it is impossible to work or do any other activities. Tooth problems can happen at any time, day or night. This is why emergency dentistry can be so crucial. An emergency dentist is available to help you if you are experiencing persistent pain or discomfort. Continue reading for more information about the services offered by an emergency dentist and when it is best for you to see one.

What services can emergency dentists offer?

A general dentist who offers emergency services in the case of serious dental problems after hours is known as an emergency dentist. A situation requiring immediate attention is an emergency dental situation. This could be to save a tooth that is broken or missing, stop bleeding, or relieve severe pain.

If the treatment can be delayed for a few days, it is not considered urgent. An unassisted chipped tooth that is not extremely painful or sharp can be treated during regular office hours. A cracked or badly chipped tooth causing severe pain is an emergency dental problem.

River Oak Dental provides top-quality emergency dental care in Palm Bay, FL. We are committed to providing prompt and professional service in an emergency situation.

What are the situations one might need to see an emergency dentist?

Many people are unsure if something is really an emergency. It is possible to wonder if it is an emergency or whether you should see an emergency dentist. It is possible that you are suffering severe pain, bleeding, and infection if you have lost a tooth that can be saved. If you have any of these symptoms, it is a good idea to contact River Oak Dental at 321–723–2620 immediately. To find an emergency dentist close to you, if you’re not located in Palm Bay, FL, search Google for “emergency dental near me”.

Here are some common dental emergencies and treatment options.

Get immediate dental care if you have lost a tooth.

Accidents can happen and the American Association of Endodontists states that they are very common. Their records show that more than five million people (both children and adults) have their teeth replanted every year. There is hope! The AAE states that it is possible to save a tooth and have it replanted.

Before you can have the tooth replanted, locate it first. Pick the tooth up from its chewing surface. You should not touch the root. If the tooth is stained or covered with dirt, you can wash it with warm water but do not scrub it. To ensure that the tooth can be reinserted into its socket, it should be kept moistened. If you’re unable to place it in milk, you can hold the tooth in your cheek or put it into a glass. To get started, call the dentist. You have the best chance of saving your tooth if you visit the dentist within 30 minutes.

An infected or abscessed tooth

An abscess or tooth infection can occur at any age and if untreated, can lead to serious complications. Most often, bacteria enters the tooth that is damaged, chipped, or broken. An infection can also occur without warning. In 2005, a study published in the Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery showed that deep abscesses can also be caused by third molars (often called wisdom teeth). A tooth abscess can cause severe pain and even death. This is a dental emergency.

Treatment of an abscessed tooth depends on several factors. These include the severity and location. There are various treatment options. Root canal treatment is the best choice for infected teeth, according to the American Association of Endodontists. It saves the tooth. A dentist carefully removes the pulp. After disinfection and cleaning, the root canal can then be shaped before a sealant can be applied.

In rare cases, the tooth may need to be extracted. To eliminate the infection, the dentist will remove the tooth and drain the infection. Antibiotics may be prescribed depending on the severity of the infection.

How about a cracked or chipped tooth?

A cracked or chipped tooth might require emergency dental care if it is severe or causing pain. After the accident, rinse your mouth with warm water. If you feel pain or have severe injuries, call your dentist immediately.

River Oak Dental, Palm Bay, FL offers emergency dental services

Accidents or problems with your teeth don’t always happen on your schedule. River Oak Dental in Palm Bay, FL can help you with a dental emergency. We will determine the root cause of your discomfort and provide relief. No matter the emergency, whether an abscessed tooth or a broken or chipped tooth, we can help. You shouldn’t feel pain no matter what time it is. We are always available to help you. You can reach us at 321–723–2620 anytime of the day or night.



River Oak Dental

We are a family-owned dental practice in Palm Bay, Florida. We are devoted to restoring, enhancing, and maintaining the natural beauty of your smile.